A Journey Through International Horror

“El Terror y La Tristeza” is a captivating block of Spanish-language short films that span the globe. This collection features a diverse range of stories, from the dark and gory to the haunting and funny. Representing three continents and numerous countries, these films share a common language and offer an incredible mix of international horror. Prepare for a journey through the many faces of terror and sadness in this unique showcase.


In “Bâba,” a woman wakes up in the middle of the forest, disoriented and struggling to find her way back home. As she navigates the dense woods, she encounters a small, talkative stuffed rabbit who invites her to tea. Despite the oddity of the situation, she accepts the invitation, hoping to clear her thoughts. This haunting and innovative film brilliantly merges surrealism with a deeply unsettling atmosphere, leaving viewers questioning reality along with the protagonist.


“Hado” tells the story of Javi, an unfaithful and powerful man driving down a poorly lit, infrequently traveled road at night. Returning home from a supposed work trip, Javi’s life changes forever in the blink of an eye due to one tragic mistake. This dark and grim film delves into themes of guilt and consequence, painting a sad and bleak picture of a life irrevocably altered by a single moment.

Turno De Noche

“Turno De Noche” introduces us to J, the Scrap Yard Watchman, who is on duty for yet another night, accompanied by El Jefe. Their routine is shattered when a serial killer and a victim who clumsily escaped arrive at the humble junkyard. This insane, brutal, and unpredictable short film keeps audiences on the edge of their seats with its relentless pace and shocking twists, offering a raw look at the chaos that can erupt in the most mundane settings.


In “Witchcraft,” Martin and Ines are trapped in the extortionist grip of drug cartels, living under constant threat. Their hopes are momentarily lifted when they discover money buried in the cemetery, believing it to be the solution to their problems. However, they soon realize the money is cursed, leading to terrifying visions of a spectral figure. As Ines disappears and Martin confronts his helplessness, this scary and heartbreaking film explores the desperation and horror of lives controlled by forces beyond their understanding.


“Wheeze” follows Javi, who returns home from a party in the middle of COVID confinement, having met the girl of his dreams. Their night is interrupted by the police, forcing Javi to flee. Alone at home, he now faces a more insidious threat: the virus. This kinetic, creepy, and clever short film captures the anxiety and paranoia of the pandemic, blending it with the fear of the unknown.

The Stranded

“The Stranded” features the last survivor of a space base, agonizingly awaiting rescue while a creature lurks in the dark. This twisty, well-acted, and well-directed film combines sci-fi elements with horror, creating a tense and claustrophobic atmosphere as the protagonist battles both isolation and an unseen menace.

The Skin

“The Skin” follows Robert, a handsome gentleman about to experience the worst day of his idyllic life. This short film’s insane and bloody narrative is enhanced by brilliant animation, making it a visually striking and horrifying tale that explores the fragility of outward appearances and the hidden darkness within.


Set in Spain, 1979, “Bookworm” tells the story of Irene, an aspiring writer obsessed with a delicate ghost haunting the library where she works. This gorgeous film boasts an incredible central performance and a scary, atmospheric setting, blending historical context with supernatural intrigue.