The Actor made all his Roles Memorable
Cast him in a movie, and Gene Hackman could accomplish just about anything.
He could play a dominating character (...
I Don’t Lose any Sleep Over not Catching Annual Oscar Buzz
Few public events drew as huge an audience as does the Big Night in Hollywood!
The movie stars...
Two 2024 Oscar Contenders Demonstrate Vastly Different Approaches to Contemporary Political Allegory
The first time Donald Trump became president, I remembe...
Film Documents Moment-to-Moment Tension in Tv Coverage of Hostage Crisis
Images of masked militants commanding the world stage haunted my thoughts in th...
Modern-day Critics Express Dismay at ‘Toxic’ 1964 Classic Rudolph Program
There’s an inherent sadness to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, the classic chi...
Two Popular Christian Films Attempt to Assert Biblical Truths by Spreading Lies
Actor and social provocateur Kevin Sorbo once again earned headlines recentl...
Modern movies offering our minds comfort food rather than food for thought
It’s rare for me to devote time to going to a movie theater and watching newly re...
by Jerry Moore
In a book published in 1914, author and social critic H.G. Wells said Britain must crush the German military and halt this nation’s imper...
The Silver Linings of a Dark Year
This Best Of list observes the Academy’s eligibility deadline for 2020 movies, February 28, 2021.
You don't need a...
Because Your TV Isn’t Just for Playing a Loop of a Burning Log
Contrary to what your Instagram feed might suggest right now, that high tech black box agains...