ZekeFilm Writers Share Their Midyear Film Picks
Once again, we present our humble collective listand individual lists of our picks for ourannual “Best Films of...
It’s Bog-Minding
Directed by Leah Warshawski and Todd Soliday
Starring Sonia Warshawski, Regina Warshawski, Caroline Kennedy
Released November, 2016
Superhero Fatigue
Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo
Starring Robert Downey, Jr., Josh Brolin, Chris Hemsworth
Released April 27th, 2018
Rated PG-13
Golden Age Hollywood Staple Makes it Look Easy
Anyone who looked at something special, in a very original way, makes you see it that way forever.
– George C...
No One Dared Disturb the Sound of Silence
Directed by John Krasinski
Starring Emily Blunt, John Krasinski, Millicent Simmonds
Rated PG-13
Released Apr...
Myth Maker. Film Noir Pioneer. Expressionist Prophet?
Fritz Lang. The monocoled genius of the screen.
I first encountered Lang in a beat-up copy of Metropol...