An Aggregated Final List Of The Best Films We Saw Last Year
Using the personal 2016 ten-best lists submitted from a wide swath of ZekeFilm contributors based a...
10 Movies Not to Be Missed + 1 to Skip (+ Top Soundtracks)
Any discussion of “the best” is fraught with complication. Nominating the best art of an arbitrary ti...
2016's Still Small Voice...
2016 ended up being a great year for cinema, though it seemed that so many films came crashing into the cinema right at the end, th...
A Big Year for Small Stories
I saw 63 movies released in the U.S. in 2016, and it wasn't the blockbusters that won me over. Granted, there were some I missed ...
2016 Strikes... a Chord
"2016 strikes again!" Whether it was the rash of jarring celebrity deaths, the disquieting state of global affairs, or the most gawd-aw...
ZekeFilm Writers Share Their Midyear Film Picks
With the 2016 movie year more than half over, it's time to pause and take stock of what's stood out thus far. T...